The Aim and objectives of the project – to help youth with fewer opportunities (18-30) to become social entrepreneurs by providing them with relevant training, mentorship, and online tools to generate and implement their ideas – was formed with regards to priorities of the consortium. Specially trained social / youth workers, career specialists & entrepreneurs will be used in this. Briefly, sBUZZ focuses on boosting youth with fewer opportunities for social entrepreneurship.
- Evaluate social entrepreneurship skills & practices to support them amongst youth with fewer opportunities in partner countries. TARGET: Interview 40 youth with fewer opportunities, survey 120 youth workers, analyse 20 good practices in three months.
- Raise youth workers qualifications and competencies on how to train and mentor young entrepreneurs with newly developed methods. TARGET: 12 y.w. in one month.
- Organise capacity training for youth to raise their capacity to start a business. TARGET: 20 youth participants in each of training on 10 different topics in 10 months per partner country.
- Create an interactive online platform for supporting youth with fewer opportunities. TARGET: in 4 months that will gather a minimum of 400 visitors in 14 months.
- Launch the Mentorship Programme to coach underprivileged youngsters on their way to creating business. TARGET: 30 youth with fewer opportunities in each partner country in 9 months brainstorming the content. Just starting? Design a memorable masthead with an equally memorable name.
- Asociatia CPDIS is a non-profit organization founded in the fall of 2012. Our mission is to create a community of young people in the local and regional area who are stimulated to develop through non-formal education methods. CPDIS supports volunteers who share an interest in entrepreneurship education, video production, sports activities, social involvement, art, creative activities, innovation, education, etc. as a profession or hobby.
- Active Youth Association (AY) is a for-purpose organisation working with youth and communities in need in Lithuania and across borders. We have extensive experience in non-formal education, as well as a range of other topics. Most important among which: migration, entrepreneurship, healthy lifestyle, human rights.
- Institut za poticanje mladih (Institute of Youth Power) is a Non-Profit Organisation/Association from Rijeka, Croatia. Established in February 2018 as a Non-governmental organization/association. The vision that brought us together is building an authentic and original society. The main fields which we cover are (social) entrepreneurship, sustainability, leadership, youth unemployment, digital skills, and sports through formal and non-formal education methods and tools.
- European Integration Group (EiG) was established in 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey by a few young and dynamic people, who have experience in social projects realization on the local and international levels. The group believes that the successful integration of all (the social and ethnic groups) in society is a key to welfare, stability, democracy and tolerance.
Project Results
The main outcomes will be:
IO1:Sbuzz Guidelines – a methodological framework aimed at youth workers to raise their qualifications and competence in how to support young entrepreneurs with fewer opportunities.
Firstly, research will be conducted to find out already existing Good Practices for boosting the entrepreneurship of youth with fewer opportunities. The latter will be used to interview 40 youths with fewer opportunities and survey 120 specialists already working with youth. See the interpretation of the questionnaire results here.
Secondly, The New Methods will be drafted by specialists from partner countries based on the research results presented.
Thirdly, the main Guidelines and Plan for leading the Mentorship and Capacity Training will be composed.
IO2:Social Business Planning Programme Online Platform will be created for sharing tools, exchanges and learning. It is an interactive online platform that generates a business idea mind map/action plan. This tool helps future entrepreneurs to make a plan for any goal they set for themselves. SBPPO will work in two functions:
- Idea conceptualization – youth will fill in the answers to questions provided by the programme. After filling in all the questions, the user with fewer opportunities is provided with an automatically generated structured idea/mind map of his/her business idea.
- Action plan creation – by filling in questions, the youngster is led through step-by-step planning of business idea implementation. After filling in all the questions, the user is provided with an automatically generated action plan.
IO3:Social Entrepreneurship Scheme
- The Capacity Training will be led by specialists to provide youth with fewer opportunities, the knowledge & skills to start/run a social business. Lectures/workshops/ideations on 10 different topics will be organized.
- A Mentorship Programme to complement Capacity Training will be organized